Stripping paint and corrosion with water blasting
Stripping paint and corrosion is a common requirement when it comes to things automotive. Aquamax has been involved in specialised automotive restorations of many different types of vehicle ranging from trucks to rally cars.
Water jetting presents several key advantages over sandblasting. Firstly there is no heat generated so the sometimes, quite thin metal sheet does not suffer partial annealing during the process. This can soften the panels and has been known to cause sagging in roofs for example.
Another benefit is the lack of dust. Monocoque construction by its very nature creates crevices that trap dust and sand and can present problems during painting.
When it comes to commercial vehicles such as truck chassis, electrics and hydraulics can be expensive to remove during a do-up but if left in place are vulnerable to damage from abrasive blasting. Water jetting is a much better option for stripping paint and corrosion from around vulnerable items.
Services Include
Classic restoration and motorsport enthusiasts are using our process to remove paint and corrosion prior to repaint. Last month we completely stripped two rally cars in Christchurch. The owners were very pleased with the results which they felt were superior to sand blasting, leaving no residue or heating of the bodywork.
Well known rally driver Brian Stokes needed a solution for stripping his classic Mk II Escort.
Brian, a regular contender in classic rallying circles was rebuilding his Escort and needed to strip back the existing paint. He was recommended water jetting as a superior process to sand blasting.
Aquamax got involved and was able to deliver a high quality result. Sand blasting can cause a range of issues such as heating, pitting and softening of the body work. Sand gets into all those out-of-the way places only to emerge when you least want it during painting. Brian set the car up on a rotating spit enabling our crew to complete the job quickly and cost effectively. Brian said that his panel beater was amazed at the “clean start point” the process provided, saving money later on in the job.
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