Welcome to our fourth Aquamax Update

In this edition we focus on hydrodemolition of concrete, aircraft paint stripping and an important health and safety consideration – gun reaction force.

Seismic Upgrade
During July /August we assisted on a seismic strengthening project requiring extensive internal-wall scabbling and hydrodemolition on columns. The customer was very pleased with the +/- 5 mm minimum scabble amplitude achieved. We used our low flow rate equipment on the internal work to minimise water containment issues. In fact all clean-up was achieved with a wet-vac. The columns were blasted from outside the building using one of our medium flow rate pumps. More details

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Aircraft Paint Stripping
At the other end of the spectrum, we continue to strip paint off various types of aircraft ranging from top dressers to helicopters. Water jetting is a non-abrasive, chemical free approach that delivers an excellent finish ready for painting. We have stripped over 200 aircraft over the past ten years. More details

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Water Jetting Safety – Gun Reaction Force
Gun reaction force is a significant factor to control to ensure that gunning operations are safe. Overloading the gunner with too much back force leaves them with little margin of control and increased fatigue. Equipment manufacturers and the New Zealand Standard specify a maximum reaction force for un-supported hand gunning of 250 N. that is about 25 kg. The table below states reaction force for typical set-ups, the last configuration is outside safe practice. More details

Pressure (Bar)Pressure (psi)Flow Rate (lpm)Gun Reaction Force (N)
150022,00040 364

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about these applications.  Contact Us

Hamish Coop – CEO
021 316 844